Percussion Module
Same as Cassa with an octave higher pitch range for tom and bongo like sounds.
Technical Info
All percussion modules are 3U, 4HP or 6HP for the CV version, and have two trig input and a trig mix pot. Accepting different signal :
Trig: short trig less than 10ms will play one time, longer trig will play two times.
CV: you can use different CV signal like envelope, LFO for trig the modules.
Audio: since cassa design is based around a stepped resonant filter, you can route an audio signal to a trig input for filter and distortion effect.
TRIG MIX : The rhythm played by the Cassa is the sum of the tow trig IN1 and IN2. The trig mix pot. Adjust the mix between the tow trig input, great to create poly rhythms. If only IN1 or IN2 are, plug the trig mix pot. Adjust the level of the trig in signal.
Date | Region | Description | Price | Seller |
EU | Perfect condition, based in France. | €80,00 | el_chicano |
These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?