12 HP
32 mm deep
Current Draw
110 mA +12V
110 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$369 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Analog gravitational VCO

GRAVEDAD (/grah-veh-dahd/, gravity) is a feature-packed, analog semi complex oscillator with through-zero FM, a F-A-T stereo sub-harmonic generator, a voltage controllable octave slider and excellent tracking up to 10 octaves.

  • Super stable triangle core in both tracking and temperature compensation with sine, sawtooth and square WAVE outputs

  • Voltage controllable octave slider ranging 5 octaves with a bicolor LED for easier visual reference - great for ratio-based FM patching

  • MASS suboscillator / subharmonic generator that can either track the main VCO or self-oscillate, with its stereo outputs' panning and waveshaping handled by FORCE and its CV input

  • The LIN FM input is normalled to MASS and switchable between DC-coupled TZFM, AC-coupled TZFM and traditional linear FM

  • "Complex-oscillator" style FM INDEX with dedicated knob and INDEX CV input with attenuverter

  • The hard SYNC input can be triggered by a rising edge or anything over +2V, even audio

  • Patching into M TRIG breaks all MASS' internal connections to both the main VCO and to its own self-oscillating feedback loop, allowing it to be triggered externally: it can act as a VC clock divider, an attack-only envelope generator, a sub for an external oscillator (or any signal) and more.

Like all of our modules, it features reverse polarity power protection.

Olivella Modular | Eurorack modules designed and made in Argentina.

Ø 3.50 (2 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Jun 11th 2023, 17:32 by PoloAudiovisual | last Change Jun 3rd, 19:09 by PoloAudiovisual

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