2 HP
26 mm deep
Current Draw
9 mA +12V
12 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$193 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Low Fat VCF

Switchable 6dB and 12dB slope High Pass Voltage controlled Filter

The Low Fat filter packs a switchable 6dB and 12dB slope High Pass Voltage controlled Filter into a miniscule 2HP of rack space, with a very low power consumption of less than 12mA per rail.

Sometimes there is just too much bottom end in a patch and it swamps everything else, by feeding it through the Low Fat Filter we can remove some of this bottom end to balance things up.

It also makes a great companion to the MiniMod Transistor Ladder Filter and can be placed before or after this in a patch to create a Band Pass filter with a variable passband and a choice of a softly rolling 6dB slope or a stronger 12 dB slope.

It's a great way to populate one of those frustrating gaps in your eurorack modular case with something that is deceptively usefuI.


submitted Jul 12th 2023, 07:24 by ThomasEmilHansen

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