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stereo send module
Of course you have heard about the DUBBY module from BEAR. It's that super duper handy 4hp wide combination of a buffered multiple and triple attenuator. It's simply ideal for rerouting signals - audio as well as CV. You can use it for getting the levels in your FX chains (for example delays, hence the name) up to perfection, or maybe re-use CV signals in different levels to different modules. It's just an amazing tool.
So, that was basically is the promo for the DUBBY and you the customer have asked us: "Yeah, all good and stuff, but you guys love the stereo signal and you do so much in stereo! Can't you make the DUBBY into a stereo module so I can even reroute my FX chains IN EFFIN STEREO?!"
Yeah sure we can. In fact...
"Peeps, meet DUBBY2. DUBBY2, meet the peeps"
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