Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.
This Module is currently available.
Joystick & looper
STONK is a joystick controller and looper with 2 channels of CV and 2 of audio. It’s also a CV generator & audio processor.
The audio AD/DA is 24 bit, 48 KHz, the internal audio handle is 32 bit float.
The CV AD/DA is 16/12 bits, 12 KHz.
Each channel has 6 modes available. By default 2 parameters are assigned to the horizontal & vertical axes but this can be easily tweaked, so it’s possible to control any of them (frequency, symmetry, offset or amplitude of the LFO, for example) not only with the joystick but with the 2 CV inputs.
The polarity control & offset of every parameter can also be modified on every mode and every channel.
6 presets for store and recall not only the joystick assignment and settings but all the parameter values for all modes and channels.
Date | Region | Description | Price | Seller |
USA | Fully tested, perfect working condition. Minimal rack rash.About Used It... | $250.00 |
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