12 HP
32 mm deep
Current Draw
150 mA +12V
0 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$499 Price in €

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Motion Controlled Dual Ramp Waveform Generator

The digital system handles video timing and high frequency ramp waveform generation. It can generate horizontal and vertical ramp waveforms for 15 different video formats at a resolution of 10 bits per pixel. It can lock its timing to a video sync reference so that many modules may operate synchronously.

The software system runs a motion control engine which updates at frame rate. The motion control engine handles the user controls, low frequency animation, and directly controls the digital system via serial bus.

The analog system contains output ramp waveshapers, which offer parallel variations of the waveform generated by the digital system.

Each channel has four dedicated output waveforms: Ramp, Inverse Ramp, Triangle, and Pulse. In the first primary mode, both channels produce horizontal waveforms. In the second, both produce vertical waveforms. In all other modes, the left channel produces a horizontal waveform and the right channel generates a vertical waveform.

Each channel also has two dedicated low frequency waveform outputs. These outputs originate in the software system, and represent the state of any motion control parameters at play in the selected mode.


submitted Nov 10th 2023, 21:37 by brownshoesonly

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