12 HP
21 mm deep
Current Draw
65 mA +12V
52 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$147 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Low Frequency Generator

Advanced LFO with five standard waves (triangle, sine, inverted sawtooth, sawtooth, square) and two modified waves based on triangle and sine the morphing of which can be controlled by CV.

Frequency range: 0,1Hz-100Hz (X1 range mode) / 0,01Hz-10Hz (X0,1 range mode)
Output signal amplitude depending upon the position of the BIAS control:
BIAS= 0: -5v/+5v
BIAS=-5: -10v/0v
BIAS=+5: 0v/+10v
CV inputs responds: -10v/+10v
EOC (End Of Circle) signal level: +5v / 1ms
Trig and Reset inputs threshold: 4v

Controls and sockets:
RATE Pot - Waves Frequency
BIAS Pot - Polarity offset from zero
TURN Pot - Morphing of two modified waves
Waves outputs 3,5mm jack sockets: triangle, sine, inverted sawtooth, sawtooth, square and 2 modified waves
EOC socket: End Of Circle impulse
Input 3,5mm jack sockets:
Trig - resets the wave and holds the reset when the gate is on
Reset - resets the wave and immediately resumes. Сan work as Sync input


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submitted Jan 27th 2024, 07:35 by CATOFF | last Change Feb 11th, 07:03 by CATOFF

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