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macro controller
Proudly we present our first artist collaboration. Together with master-synthabilist KYPSKI we took another look at our macrocontroller module XXPRSS. There are some minor changes under the hood, but most import we added cv-control to the big knob. KYPSKI uses his turntable to control the XXPRSS and this adds great depth to his patches with out losing relationship between the different cv-signals.
So how does it works?
XXPRSS is a 10hp control voltage / expression module; with one huge knob you can change 4 control voltages. There are four channels that work according the same principle: with range, offset and direction controls. The CV input - with attention - controls the big knob with an external signal.
The big knob sends out minus 5 to plus 5 volts, and can be attenuated by the ‘range’ pot on each channel. The ‘offset’ is also -5v to +5v.
The direction switch is what makes the whole thing extra interesting. You can change the output in the other direction than the Big Knob indicates. So if the big knob moves clockwise (from negative to positive), the direction switch makes that particular output send out a CV with the direction positive to negative.
Patch examples:
- If you working with two filters in your audio chain, you can open one and close the other with only using one movement.
- With two VCA's you can create a quick crossfade where one VCA closes while the second one opens.
Or take a look how Kypski uses it:
In the box you can also find a KYPSKI / BEAR Modules 2hp blank :)
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