20 HP
Current Draw
? mA +12V
? mA -12V
? mA 5V

This Module is currently available.

Parrot Preset Synth

A Complete Synthesizer Voice in a 20HP Eurorack Module

A Complete Synthesizer Voice in a 20HP Eurorack Module
3 Oscillators, Low-Pass Filter, Digitally Controlled Amplifier,
2 ADSR Envelope Generators
Voltage Control and MIDI Inputs – MIDI with Thru and Out
8 Presets
Editing via 4 Continuous Encoders with OLED Displays
Patches can be loaded and saved via MIDI.

Function Descriptions
Osc 1
Octave Select
Ramp/Pulse Select
Output Volume
Pulse Width – 5% to 95%

Osc 2 and 3
Octave / Semitone Select
Detune + / - Half Semitone
Ramp/Pulse Select
Output Volume
Pulse Width – 5% to 95%

Low Pass Filter
Cutoff Frequency Offset Adjust
2-Pole / 4-Pole Select
Env 1 Amount
Pitch Input Tracking Amount / Low or High Note Tracking

Envelope Generators
Attack Time Adjust (1)
Decay Time Adjust (1)
Sustain Level Adjust
Release Time Adjust (1)

                            (1) Times adjustable from 0.005 sec to 5.00 sec

MIDI Keyboard Controls
Note Priority Select
Monophonic – Low Note
Monophonic – High Note
Paraphonic – 3 Note Maximum

    Bend Amount - +/- 1 to +/- 12 Semitones

Modulation Waveform
Positive Ramp
Negative Ramp

Modulation Amount - +/- 1 to +/- 12 Semitones
Glide Type – Linear or Exponential
Glide Time Adjust – Very Fast to Very Slow (Relative)
White Noise Source – Level Adjust


submitted Jul 12th, 13:28 by Tito | last Change Jul 12th, 13:31 by Tito

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