This Module is a prototype or in a concept phase.
Exchange Programmable Patcher
Exchange is a patching module where the 8 inputs can be switched to any of the 8 outputs. By connecting other modules to Exchange, patches can be created using the 8 input and output buttons, and stored as presets for instant re-patching.
Exchange modules can be connected in a chain using connectors at the rear of the module, and then synchronised to handle larger, more complex patches. The chain inputs and outputs can also be accessed through front-panel jacks using the Expander module.
Exchange is organised into 8 inputs and outputs with buttons for each input (white) and output (blue). Exchange behaves like ‘virtual patch cords’ between the modules connected to its inputs and outputs. To connect an input to an output, the input button is first pressed, then the output button. An input can connect to more than one output, which is set by pressing more than one output button in turn.
Are inputs mixed when multiple inputs are connected to a single output?
An Exchange output can only be connected to a single input, like connecting patch cables between modules. The inputs will not be mixed into the output. Instead, each time an input is connected to the same output, the input will replace the previous input.
What about normalled inputs in my other modules?
Exchange can only patch signals available at its inputs. Other connected modules may have ‘normalled inputs’, where a signal is internally connected when an input jack is removed. If this internal signal is output by a module, it can be connected to another Exchange input (including chain inputs using Expander) and selected to behave the same as the disconnected input on the connected module.