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Gated Fuzz and all around sound-gooderizer.
Ok, so if you've ben following most things VF, you know that the oldest and arguably most well-known thing in my general stable is this thing called the 23, which is a gated fuzz with a couple interesting mods that I dreamed up when first building that make it a little unusual, highly playable and potentially one of those secret weapon processors that you keep around for those special mixes. For those who don't know this stuff, yeah, I make a thing called a 23. Why the name Because it was the 23rd thing I built, which was coincidentally the first production box I built a good second ago in the dark year of our lord 2011 - and I've continued to make in some sort of iteration or another ever since. This, as one would surmise, it the current iteration. In Eurorack. Because space is limited at the homestead and pedals take up space so why not rack it up and keep the starship humming?
Florid prose aside, at its heart it's still the exact same circuit as the original pedal. Meaning if you wanted, you could very much plug a guitar into this and go to town. I'll neither stop youl comment or judge. However, when you start putting modular-level voltage into this guy, its character changes pretty substantially. The gating is left by the wayside but somehow upper harmonic enforcement becomes pronounced - fundamentals as well. Not to mention little chirps and squeaks suddenly inherit a whole other character. The tone control is pretty fancy, too. All said, think of it as some sort of classy sound-gooderizer that you can blend into things at just the right moments to add some well-needed spice into your stems. Or whatever y'all call music these days.
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