4 HP
23 mm deep
Current Draw
91 mA +12V
37 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$85 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Quad Color-Coded Performance Buff Mult

Mimic is a 4HP quad buffered mult by Isobar Industries with a performance oriented design, having inputs all localized to the bottom of the module and outputs at the top.

The module can be flipped upside down and jumpers swapped on the back to have the normalling work in either orientation. Each channel has color-coded LEDs for even easier visualization of each channel


  • Inputs are all on one side of the module, so the outputs are more accessible in a performance environment.
  • Left-right normalling is reversible depending on if you wish to use the module with inputs at the top or bottom.
  • 3 outputs per mult channel
  • Fully buffered
  • Suitable for CV or Audio multiplying
  • Distinct color coding per channel. Red, Green, Yellow, Blue


  • Height: 3U (128.5mm)
  • Width: 4hp (20.3mm)
  • Depth from panel: 23mm
  • Depth total (Including knobs and ribbon cable): 51mm

Purchasable through my Etsy shop now. There will be a discount for buying pairs of Mimic.


submitted Nov 3rd 2024, 18:48 by IsobarIndustries | last Change Nov 26th 2024, 18:58 by IsobarIndustries

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