12 HP
Current Draw
? mA +12V
? mA -12V
? mA 5V

This Module is currently available.

Moog DFAM Control / Expander

The DFAM Thing is a device that adds significant capabilities to the DFAM (or Edge) sequencer, such as:

MIDI integration — clocking and individual step play,
Reset — manual, via CV or via MIDI,
Variations in the step order — Forward, Reverse, Bounce, Odds & Evens, Shuffle, Random and Custom,
Changing the sequence length — 1 to 8 steps (up to 16 steps for a custom step order),
Step repeat — assign a play count of up to 8 times to any step,
Off-grid timing — swing beat as well as arbitrary programmed shifts.


submitted Dec 4th, 07:45 by Faastwalker | last Change Dec 4th, 07:46 by Faastwalker

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Perfect CircuitDetroit Modular


Found Sound


Moog Audio

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?