4 HP
35 mm deep
Current Draw
50 mA +12V
0 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$125 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

VC Clock Multiplier / Ratcheting Controller

Module A-160-5 is a voltage controlled clock multiplier. The incoming clock signal (socket Clock In) is multiplied by a factor that depends upon the control voltage on socket CV In (0...+5V) and the position of the Mode switch. The multiplied clock signal is available at the socket Clock Out. According to the position of the Mode switch different clock multiplying factors are assigned to the control voltage. With 0V CV no clock output is generated. With increasing CV integer factors (left position of the mode switch), power of two factors (middle position) or a mix of both (right position) are obtained. Nine LEDs are used to show the currently selected multiplying factor. In addition two LEDs are used to display the incoming and outgoing clock signal.

The module can be used for all kind of clock multiplying applications. One important example is the generation of so-called ratcheting sequences. The band Tangerine Dream is famous for this kind of sequences. A normal sequencer generates only one gate signal per step. A ratcheting sequence may have also more than one gate pulses per step. This function can be obtained by using the A-160-5: one CV output of the sequencer is used to define the number of gate pulses per step. If the control of the step in question is fully CCW the generated CV is 0V and no gate signal is generated (mute of the step). When the control of the step in question is turned clockwise one, two or more gate pulses are generated depending upon the position of the mode switch and the voltage generated by the CV at this step.

Note: Due to the nature of clock multiplying it takes a few input clock pulses until the clock output is stable. One has to average a few input clock pulses to generate the multiplied clock output signal. Even when the input clock frequency changes it will take a few cycles until the output clock signal is correct as the module cannot forsee the future of the clock input signal. The generated clock output signal is derived from the last few cycles of the clock input signal. Consequently the module should be driven only by a clock signal with constant or slowly changing frequency.


Ø 4.18 (22 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Dec 22nd 2014, 01:51 by cger | last Change Feb 18th 2021, 18:39 by Auik

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