16 HP
20 mm deep
Current Draw
25 mA +12V
1 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$299 Price in €

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

No info about availability.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Mutable Instruments Grids (Grayscale panel)

Alternate/DIY panel for Grids

Alternate/DIY panel for Grids, designed by Grayscale:

Algorithmic 3-channel drum pattern generator with progressive, CV-controlled morphing through patterns (Map X and Map Y controls), and CV-controlled control over the density/sparsity of the pattern (Fill controls).

Bonus features: internal clock with tap-tempo, input clock divider, "vanilla euclidean sequencer" mode, bonus outputs (clock, reset, random pulses), DIY MIDI interface offering clock sync.


submitted Mar 25th 2015, 01:32 by sempervirent | last Change Jan 24th 2017, 20:49 by sempervirent

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Three Wave MusicDetroit ModularControlNoisebugSynthcube


Found Sound

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?