8 HP
37 mm deep
Current Draw
45 mA +12V
45 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$239 Price in €

This Module is discontinued.

Quad Voltage Controlled Switch with Dual Bus

The Switch is an analog, four channel signal switch with gate control and dual, assignable output busses.

Designed for performance, the Switch offers an interactive way to manage audio and CV signals within a complicated patch. A human or machine controlled signal router that utilizes four independent channels of manual and/or voltage controlled analog switching.

Each channel offers a manual on/off switch that acts as a master on/off control for the channel. With the master on/off switch flipped in the off position, the channel can be enabled or disabled using an external gate signal. If the external gate goes high, the switch opens, if the gate goes low, the switch closes. Easy.

The output signal is routed to three potential destinations. The first is a dedicated channel output jack. The remaining destinations are Bus A and Bus B. The signal can be independently routed to Bus A and Bus B by using the Send Bus Switches. The two Bus outputs can be switched between Bus A and Bus B for maximum signal control.

The Switch module uses fourteen manual switches and four CV inputs to allow intimate control of audio and CV signals. Each channel is routed through a dedicated, four stage switching circuit to ensure maximum signal isolation.


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submitted May 8th 2015, 04:37 by adolfgottmann | last Change Oct 6th 2017, 16:29 by mode_analogue

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