Module is available as a DIY project only.
No info about availability.
Multifunctional CV/Audio Processing Module
LVLS is a multi-functional module for processing control voltages in your Eurorack system. It features a preamp, attenuator, buffered multiple and a summing mixer in a compact 6HP size.
Technical Specifications:
Attenuator - non inverting attenuator, also the output jack is normalled to 10v to give an adjustable DC voltage when no input jack is present
Pre-amp - gain of 20dB, designed for integrating ipad/phone or other equipment with your Eurorack system
Buffered Multiple(1:2) - two buffered output signals from one input signal, suitable for distributing clock, modulation or audio signals (not 1V-Octave pitch accurate)
Summing Mixer (2:1) - summing mixer for quickly summing two signals or adding a DC offset to a signal 6HP size, skiff friendly 30mm depth
Beginner friendly assembly with full build documentation provided.
Date | Region | Description | Price | Seller |
EU | The overall condition of this * LVLS* is *like new* | *good* | *... | €60,00 | Tito |
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