4 HP
64 mm deep
Current Draw
? mA +12V
? mA -12V
? mA 5V

No info about availability.

Voxglitch Pattern Gen 16

Voxglitch Pattern Generator 16

The Vox Glitch pattern generator module 16 generates clock patterns from 16 to 32 steps.

The module has the following inputs:
Clock In: Clock input of the module
Select-CV In 1: Allows you to select one of 256 patterns.
Select-CV In 2: Controls pattern selected for the second output.
The outputs of the module are as follows:
Pattern 1 out: The output of the first clock pattern.
Pattern 2 out: The output of the second clock pattern.

The latest version of this module has four dip switches on the board.

Select Trigger Style - Flipping switch #1 will toggle between outputting patterns on the rising clock or falling clock.
Glitchy! - Flipping switch #2 will increase the sensitivity of the pattern select CV inputs. This may cause the patterns to "slip" occasionally which sometimes creates very interesting evolving patterns!!
32 steps - Flipping switch #3 will make the patterns 32 steps long, instead of the normal 16. The second half of the pattern is essentially the inverse of the first half.
Remix - Flipping switch #4 will cause all even numbered steps to play only 75% of the time.

submitted Dec 20th 2015, 02:45 by SelectivePressure

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