6 HP
30 mm deep
Current Draw
40 mA +12V
40 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$155 Price in €

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Dual four-quadrant multiplier with VC Offset

Each section can perform the analog multiplication of two signals (A and B) and add an offset (C). It can also act as a dual voltage controlled attenuverter, dual ring modulator, dual VCA or four channel mixer (see block diagram below).

The B inputs are routed to an attenuverter that multiplies the signal between -2 to 2, while the offset inputs (C) route through a unity gain attenuverter (multiplies the signal between -1 and 1).

B and C inputs are normalised to 5v and 10v respectively, so the A inputs can be processed using just the potentiometers.

The output of first block is normalized to the second one, so the second output can act as master to get (A1*B1+C1) + (A2*B2+C2).


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submitted Feb 21st 2016, 08:36 by Befacosynth | last Change Nov 7th 2022, 15:08 by Befacosynth

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