14 HP
55 mm deep
Current Draw
70 mA +12V
70 mA -12V
? mA 5V
$345 Price in €

This Module is discontinued.

Precision Voltage Processing Utility


Knobs is a highly playable, precision voltage processing utility. Two channels of configurable gain, offset, and slur feed a low-noise CV crossfader. This layout takes useful utility functions and makes them very playable and interactive.


  • Two voltage processing channels
  • Precision attenuversion with range switch for positive, negative, and bipolar gain adjustment. Control extents provide gains of exactly 0 or +/-1
  • +/- 5V offset adjustment with trimmed 5V precision reference
  • Slur adjustment up to 23 seconds
  • Low noise CV linear crossfader normalled to voltage processing channels
  • 'Smooth detent' fader with precise settability of center position
  • Active switch for bypassing, zeroing, or applying processing
  • RGB voltage indications of signal polarity, amplitude, and zero value
  • Excellent ergonomics and tactile response
  • Long life switches & potentiometers
  • Low loss, high speed active reverse voltage protection
  • Overcurrent protection
  • Low loss, long life, high rel power cable with keyed & latching connector


  • GAIN Range: -1 to 1
  • GAIN Error (typ): 0.02%
  • OFFSET Range: -5 to +5VDC
  • Max SLUR time: 23s (90%)
  • XF CV Input Range: +/-2.5V (5Vpp) or +/-5V (10Vpp)
  • Input Impedance: 50kOhms
  • Power Requirements: +/-12V @ 70mA
  • Size: 14HP W x 128.5mm H x 55mm D


Ø 4.67 (3 Votes) Average Rating
submitted May 2nd 2016, 01:57 by acgenerator | last Change Jul 7th 2021, 08:20 by sibilant

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