32 HP
35 mm deep
Current Draw
110 mA +12V
100 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$722 Price in €

This Module is discontinued.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

troika [Custom Shop Brass]

3 Voice Analog Oscillator [Custom Shop Edition]

This custom shop version of the troika come direct from the maker.
A unique panel is cut in house from brass and can be customized with a name or logo engraving of the clients choice.
Lead time can vary and a deposit is required for a build to start.
The Module's circuit is the same as the production model but will some hand finishing touches which include chunky toggle switches and aluminium knobs.

Brass is known for it's sustain enhancing qualities and has been used in musical instrument construction for decades.
...on a module, it affects the sound in no way what so ever! But if a rugged steam-punk look is up your street send me a message!
Jason [Instruō]


When one oscillator isn't enough and two oscillators still aren't enough. Three is just right!

The Troika is an arrangement of three all analogue oscillators which can function completely independently or together via parallel pitch tracking utilizing cascading 1V/octave CV normal connections.

The foundations for many powerful subtractive synth voices often use multiple oscillators. Detuning these slightly from one another gives the timbral richness which helped define the original synthesizers of the 60s and 70s.

The Troika was designed to simplify the patching of layered voices in this manner with the benefit of having three voices with matched components and calibration for consistent pitch tracking.

The oscillators each have linear FM inputs with attenuators as well as oscillator sync inputs. This allows for FM operator configurations with first order and even second order modulation on a single module.

Sine, triangle, sawtooth and square waveforms are generated from each oscillator voice, with exception to oscillator three, which lacks triangle but gains CV controllable pulse-width modulation over its square wave.

The waveform control section of the troika utilizes switching between sliding potentiometers which allow for crossfading between the simple waveforms. The arrangement of the waveforms between the three oscillators allows for linear crossfading between any two basic waveforms.

Three all analogue oscillators
1V/octave, Coarse, Fine controls
Toggle switches for cascading 1V/octave CV to lower oscillator as normal connection
Oscillator sync
Linear FM
Selectable faders for crossfading between waveforms
Individual oscillator outputs
Summed output with level controls



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submitted Sep 17th 2016, 05:20 by instruo | last Change Jul 5th 2018, 17:50 by instruo

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