4 HP
20 mm deep
Current Draw
40 mA +12V
0 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$60 Price in €

Module is available as a DIY project only.

This Module is currently available.

Mixer, Clock & Headphone Amp

The Music Thing Modular ‘Startup’ is designed to be the best way to help start a small Eurorack case. This 4HP module does three things:

  1. It’s a 5 channel output mixer, with a spare channel for stereo signals (like a Korg Volca or a phone).

  2. It’s a nice clean headphone amp with two outputs.

  3. It’s a useful tap-tempo clock, with a second channel giving divided or multiplied clocks.

The best way to understand Startup is with with the Quick Start Manual (click on the image to the left)

The mixer is unusual because it has no knobs. Instead, relative volumes are set by patching. The top row of inputs are loudest. The second row are quieter, and the single mono input on the third row is quieter still. Mixing-by-patching is a different discipline from mixing-by-turning-knobs. Because fine volume adjustments are impossible, use other techniques to balance the mix: Open or close a filter, tweak the resonance. Change the envelope to make a sound longer or shorter. Choose a different waveform. Change the octave range. Add or remove reverb. There are endless possibilities. I’ve found it a good way to mix by ear, rather than by eye.


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submitted May 6th 2019, 20:28 by lpgeffen | last Change May 18th, 19:27 by Jad_m

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