18 HP
Current Draw
45 mA +12V
45 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$295 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Resonant Multi-mode Sampling Gate

The SPECTRA MIRROR is a resonant down-sampler tailored for use as a low pass gate. Incoming audio can be completely attenuated or passed through unaffected by modulating the sampling frequency, width of the sampling clock or the on board through-zero VCA. Each control voltage input can be attenuverted, allowing the user to sculpt response to CV. The SPECTRA MIRROR is also capable of an effect called "high-pass sampling," which attenuates signals below the sampling frequency.


  • Track and hold circuit allows for gradual increase of down-sampler effect.
  • Wide range internal oscillator with temperature compensated 1V/ octave tracking.
  • 2 FM inputs, one with attenuverter and the other with attenuator.
  • 2 PW inputs each with attenuverter.
  • Dedicated oscillator output.
  • Bipolar voltage control over resonance of downsampler.
  • Dedicated output for bipolar VCA in resonance loop.
  • "Morph" output opens up range of sounds never before heard in a downsampler.
  • External clock input.
  • FM 1 input normalized to PW 1 and Morph inputs to facilitate use as a low pass gate.


Ø 4.00 (1 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Feb 20th 2015, 03:45 by MysticCircuits | last Change Apr 22nd 2020, 00:07 by MysticCircuits

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