6 HP
35 mm deep

Module is a 1U tile

Current Draw
10 mA +12V
8 mA -12V
? mA 5V

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is currently available.

Chaotic orbiting modulation

Custom hand made panel in Intellijel format.

They are available in 3 variations, the same as on the triple Sloth panel; Torpor (15-20 second orbits), Apathy (1-3 minute orbits) and Inertia (15-20 minute orbits).

Each has 2 outputs which supply different signals drawn from different stages of the circuit. The input can be used to inject a signal into the circuit, some signals will have no effect, others will cause periodicity at different stages, others will alter the chaotic orbits. I find very slow sine signals, from the Feague, are very good. Of course you do not have to input any signal, the sloths will happily meander along without any help.


Ø 5.00 (5 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Aug 8th 2019, 01:08 by cosmicsoundexplorer | last Change Jan 15th 2022, 06:28 by fxb_flame

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