10 HP
37 mm deep
Current Draw
38 mA +12V
14 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$190 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Attack Release Sequencer

The ARSEq ( = Attack Release SEquencer) is, as the name implies, a hybrid sequencer and AR envelope generator. It contains a counter circuit with reset, 4 envelope generators and a mixer/inverter stage to get the sequenced output. The envelopes can be inverted if desired to give a greater voltage and complexity range of the output sequence. The individual 4 envelopes are available on the panel as well.

The main difference with this circuit and a regular EG is each envelope requires 2 clock pulses, one to start the attack and the next to start the release stage.

Panel USD 22
PCB set USD 23
assembled USD 190


Ø 4.80 (5 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Aug 16th 2017, 12:55 by williamjturkel | last Change Feb 28th 2021, 01:43 by Jabberbased