4 HP
25 mm deep
Current Draw
15 mA +12V
14 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$110 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

5-bit LoFi Digital to Analog Converter

The r2rawr in its most simple form is a 5-bit digital to analog converter. Its basic usage operation is to take gate signals (on or off binary signals) and turn those into stepped analog voltage. It’s great to pair with clock dividers, random gate sources, logic modules, gate sequencers, and square wave oscillators/LFOs.

The order from top to bottom of the inputs indicates the weighting of each bit. QØ on top has a label next to it reading MSB or Most Significant Bit, while Q4 has LSB next to it, or Least Significant Bit. Each bit input changes the voltage output by half as much as the bit above it.

The output of the digital to analog converter is sent to an attenuverter to set the polarity and voltage level. An attenuverter is a bipolar amplitude control, which means if you turn it to the right, the voltage increases positively, if you turn it to the left the voltage will increase negatively.

The r2rawr uses a high speed operational amplifier at its attenuverter and output stages. This means the r2rawr can not only process input signals that exist below and at the audio range, it can operate up to the rate of video signals

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submitted Jun 28th 2020, 23:37 by omiindustriies | last Change Mar 23rd 2021, 02:25 by omiindustriies

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