Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.
This Module is discontinued.
FV-1 based DSP FX module
FX module based around Spin Semiconductors FV-1 DSP chip.
(An 8HP version of this is available as uDervish).
The FV-1 runs it's current live program from a bank of eight programs stored in an external EEPROM. Dervish expands this onboard EEPROM storage to provide up to 11 banks of programs.
The FV-1 supports three CV inputs. Dervish provides summed pot and external CV control for these.
An 0.96" OLED display is provided for the user interface, providing basic description on the current running program (bank name, program name, function for each CV). A simple menu system allows changing the program bank in real time, screensaver timeout, and screen brightness.
The current program and bank number, screensaver timeout and screen brightness are persisted in memory and recalled on next power up.
An I2C interface provides access to the EEPROM allowing the user to upload new programs, backup the existing EEPROM etc. An optional Teensy based EEPROM programmer shield is available to provide I2C access for a desktop, along with command line programs for Mac OS and Linux. An FV-1 assembler is also provided, turning Dervish into a full FV-1 development environment.
See the following link for ordering details
Date | Region | Description | Price | Seller |
Switzerland | top condition, pro build, with usb transfer kit. | €110,00 | naturarum |
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