Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.
No info about availability.
Voltage/Trigger/Gate to MIDI converter
The VMC-2 is a generic module, which combines an ARDUINO NANO with a display, eight analog inputs, a data encoder and a button. This module may run various software. The main purpose is voltage to MIDI conversion, which is done with the software fanwander CV2MIDI.
CV2MIDI should be named in fact ANALOG2MIDI because it does a generic "analogue to MIDI"-conversion. The software translates incoming voltages, triggers, or gates into various MIDI data.
There are eight so called ports. Each port can do its own type of conversion. The sent MIDI data can be composed from multiple ports.
Most extreme Example:
port 1 provides the note number,
port 2 provides the velocity value of this note
port 3 receives the gate, on which the MIDI note data is sent
The module requires a IO-module from the VMC series like fanwander MIDI-ITO or fanwander MIDI-3IT + MIDI-OOO
About the hardware see:
About the Software see:
Remark on the power consumption: the module can be supplied either via +12V or via +5V. Due to the converter losses, the power consumption is approximately 10% higher if supplied via +12V than via +5V. As for all digital modules supply via +5V is recommended to avoide digital noise.
The hardware is published as open hardware under the condition of creative commons license "cc by-nc-sa 4.0".
The software is published as open source under the creative commons license "by-nc-sa 4.0"
See also other fanwander modules