Multiplexer-based Sequencer
A multiplexer is a standard electronic integrated circuit that allows for a signal to be routed to one of several outputs. To determine the which output to route an incoming signal, the multiplexer requires high or low voltage signals be applied to a series of selection pins.
The Muxquencer is a union of the functionalities of a step sequencer and a multiplexer. In this case, four selection inputs are used to select a step and route its value to the output. This module takes it one step further by allowing the user to access permutations of the selection inputs. Blue LEDs indicate the original binary selection while green represents a permutation of the selection pins. This allows the same information to create two entirely different pattern sets. The permutation controller is also voltage controllable; meaning feedback from the Muxquencer's values can be used to alter its own pattern. Finally, a trigger out that goes high very briefly whenever a new selection is made was implemented to facilitate note triggering.
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