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Audio mixer in eurorack
From the day one when the original Micro Mixer was published, we got questions about fitting the kit to Euro rack -systems. The original kit did had some extra features added to it's PCB, but due the battery option it didn't have enough of space for these. Now with the space got from battery and bigger panel, the Euro rack version includes new fratures as alternative 6.3mm input and output jacks, stereo output for headphones, mix bus in for chaining more mixers, selectable aux and aux out, and switch to select the B output between b-bus and aux-bus.
The rest of the mixer is basically the same as the original version: "This product was designed completely for own needs. Working with various sources, synths, loopers and quitars requires as mixer. Table sized mixer is sometimes way too big. The vision was to have good sounding device but not exactly hi-fi. We designed the circuit around good known MOSFET IC. Sound and simplicity are borrowed from tube circuits. We also added few nice extras."
Clipping: Each channel has its' own (soft) clipper switch, which allows distortion on lower signal levels. Before clipping the signal starts to compress. This clipper works similar way as using tape compression.
Insert: Needed for various effects. The insert connector allows using any guitar or studio effect inserted before the chanel volume pot. The insert jack works also as channel output for example for audio interface.
Link: All four channels are linked internally. If signal is fed to input one, all the rest of the inputs are chained to input one. If channel 1 and 2 are used, channel 1 is used individually and input 2 is linked to channels 3 and 4. This allows parallel signaling, such as clean and distorted channels or different inserted effects for one instrument.
Sound: No way this is intended to sound hi-fi. It's well sounding, nicely distorting mixer for synths, guitars etc. All channels compress or distorts kindly.
In nutshell: UralTone tube sounding mixer sounds tasty. It's not uncolored basic mixer, it's effect of it's own!
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