12 HP
43 mm deep
Current Draw
240 mA +12V
? mA -12V
? mA 5V
$244 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Gate counter, clock, stopwatch

• eurorack format 3-digit counter of incoming gate messages 5-12V.
• Based on Soviet Russian nixie tubes Ин-8.
• Optional shimmering backlight. 4 jacks passive multiple.
• 8 modes: stopwatch, 6 counters from 4 to 999 gates long and the output of random numbers.
• Save last mode on power off.
• You can choose the color of the backlight, with or without shimmering
• The front panel can be black or aluminum.

Consumption: +12 - 240 mA (330 mA with backlight)

Modules can be ordered directly by email - djoxyjam@mail.ru (I accept PayPal)

220e 18000p 150usdt 0,29eth 0.018btc


submitted Apr 1st 2019, 19:38 by Paratek | last Change Jul 18th, 20:32 by Paratek

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