14 HP
Current Draw
65 mA +12V
68 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$310 Price in €

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is discontinued.

Complex Multi-Filter

A triple, voltage-controllable, filter capable of subtle to extreme tone shaping. The three channels have dedicated outputs, as well as a mix output with individual level controls. It was designed to create movement to the sound thanks to many voltage control inputs. Each channel is able to sweep through all the frequency spectrum. A dedicated shift control with attenuverter cv input is able to swap all 3 filtres at the same time. The Vibrazum shines at high feedback with 24dB slope, the resonance is very creamy and full of rich harmonics from a gnarly tone-­shaping tool of sonic destruction to vowel robotic sounds.


Ø 4.60 (5 Votes) Average Rating
submitted May 24th 2019, 14:38 by patchingpanda | last Change Apr 24th, 15:15 by patchingpanda

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