!copying warbasse

!copying warbasse





My newish MU

My newish MU

Synthracks 9u104+6u84+expressionPod64

Synthracks 9u104+6u84+expressionPod64

accessory advanced audio processing

accessory advanced audio processing

actually more is more

actually more is more

benjolin and friends

benjolin and friends

benjolin centered

benjolin centered

build your own MPC

build your own MPC

caixa real start

caixa real start

caixa starting

caixa starting



contorting found sounds for personal enjoyment

contorting found sounds for personal enjoyment











external audio fvcker

external audio fvcker

farragut west

farragut west

farragut west (copy) (copy) (copy)

farragut west (copy) (copy) (copy)

farragut west (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy)

farragut west (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy)

fx pod64 for hydra shelf

fx pod64 for hydra shelf

grandmother dark meditations

grandmother dark meditations

grandmother on chaos

grandmother on chaos

hands on voice changer

hands on voice changer

hermod standalone pod

hermod standalone pod

home studio augmenter

home studio augmenter

im about to move across the country

im about to move across the country

im about to move across the country (copy)

im about to move across the country (copy)

im about to move across the country (copy) (copy)

im about to move across the country (copy) (copy)

interactive companion cube

interactive companion cube

interactive tactile accessory pod

interactive tactile accessory pod

interesting module storage

interesting module storage



joran tcherepnin

joran tcherepnin

large effects for good ambience, added companion

large effects for good ambience, added companion

leibniz explorer

leibniz explorer

little thing that pans weird noises around

little thing that pans weird noises around

live dance (w/ mix assistant & ext seq)

live dance  (w/ mix assistant & ext seq)

los verbos

los verbos

making pop on eurorack lol

making pop on eurorack lol

making songs

making songs

mannequins universe

mannequins universe

medium little wooden shelf unit thing

medium little wooden shelf unit thing

mess with my voice pod

mess with my voice pod

mixing assistant

mixing assistant



modern mort

modern mort

monosynth with cool sequencing

monosynth with cool sequencing

musique notsoconcrete

musique notsoconcrete

niftykeys monosynth 4 ideas

niftykeys monosynth 4 ideas

okay really now "Hello"

okay really now "Hello"

one synthndrone skiff

one synthndrone skiff



pod, audio i/o for system

pod, audio i/o for system

prism serge companion

prism serge companion

programming a cube

programming a cube

simple little monopod

simple little monopod

small generative

small generative

sound bar

sound bar

sound effects. no concern for musicality

sound effects. no concern for musicality

starter kit arbhar

starter kit arbhar

starter kit arbhar (copy)

starter kit arbhar (copy)

studio (9u sound/ctrl, seq pod, droid ctrl, separate mix/io)

studio (9u sound/ctrl, seq pod, droid ctrl, separate mix/io)

stusio effects

stusio effects

synth and sample

synth and sample

synthracks 6u84hp effects companion

synthracks 6u84hp effects companion

synthracks voice/fx processor

synthracks voice/fx processor

tactile interaction pod

tactile interaction pod

talking to arbhar

talking to arbhar

target after caixa start. ext mix&expression

target after caixa start. ext mix&expression

target what makes you happy

target what makes you happy

target what makes you happy (copy)

target what makes you happy (copy)

target what makes you happy (copy) (copy)

target what makes you happy (copy) (copy)

test equipment like Hainbach

test equipment like Hainbach

three synthndrone case

three synthndrone case

tiny little wooden shelf unit thing

tiny little wooden shelf unit thing

two synthndrone skiff

two synthndrone skiff



vanlife singer

vanlife singer

vocal processor (copy) (copy)

vocal processor (copy) (copy)

voice and instrument contorter

voice and instrument contorter

voice melter

voice melter

wave boat

wave boat

xube 60 double knob twisting

xube 60 double knob twisting