Power Consumption: 360 mA +12V | 278 mA -12V | 0 mA 5V | Depth: 48 mm | Price: $5,130 | Number of Modules: 25 | Data Sheet
Achtung This Rack contains modules with incomplete power consumption specs: SYS-700 Phase Shifter 711, SYS-700 S&H 709, SYS-700 LFO 706, SYS-700 VCO 702, Minotaur, SYS-700 Dual ADSR 705, SYS-700 VCA 704, SYS-700 Gate Delay 713, SYS-700 Pulse Shaper 717, SYS-700 Analog Switch 723, SYS-700 Multiple 710, SYS-700 Amp./Env. Foll./Integrator 707