Intellijel 62HP Palette - Meta Disting System Eurorack 03/12/25
Intellijel 7U 104HP Performance Rack - Electrowave 2025 Eurorack 03/10/25
BARP 2500 XL Eurorack 03/10/25
6U 84HP Doombient Eurorack 02/03/25
Intellijel 62HP Palette - Meta System Ambient Eurorack 03/11/25
Erica Synths Megarack 12A@+12V, 6A@-12V Eurorack 01/05/25
Intellijel 62HP Palette - Meta System Eurorack 01/05/25
Intellijel 62HP Palette - 2 turntables and a microphone Eurorack 12/18/24
The Bob Moog Foundation Modular Raffle System (copied from LearningModular) Eurorack 12/18/24
6U 84HP ALM Turismo facsimile Eurorack 11/10/24
Intellijel 7U 104HP Performance Rack - Halloween 2024 Eurorack 11/10/24
Intellijel DIY Complex Oscillator Eurorack 11/10/24
4ms Pod64X Intro to Computer Music 20241021 Eurorack 11/10/24
4ms Pod64X 2 Voices 20241017 Eurorack 10/18/24
Intellijel 62HP Palette - Bassline and Drums 20241017 Eurorack 10/18/24
6U 84HP Arpeggiator Rack Eurorack 10/18/24
Intellijel 7U 104HP Performance Rack - Intro to Computer Music mkII 20241017 Eurorack 10/18/24
Intellijel 7U 104HP Performance Rack - Orchestral Manipulation Eurorack 01/05/25
Gary P Hayes Travel Pod Eurorack 10/18/24
Buchla Haliburton Rack - 7U 96HP Eurorack 01/05/25
Intellijel 7U 104HP Performance Rack - (Current) Eurorack 09/19/24
Intellijel 7U 104HP Performance Rack - Test - 20240911 Eurorack 09/19/24
6U 84HP Test Rack v2 Eurorack 07/21/24
BARP 2500 Eurorack 07/22/24
Found System Eurorack 07/21/24
Intellijel Atlantix skiff Eurorack 06/27/24
Performance Skiff (E370, uO-c, Black Sequencer) Eurorack 07/21/24
Intellijel 7U 104HP Performance Rack - Test Eurorack 10/18/24
6U 84HP Travel Rack - Quadraphonic Eurorack 09/19/24
Sample Granular Cinematic Eurorack 07/21/24
6U 84HP Test Rack v1 Eurorack 07/21/24
6U 84HP Travel Rack Eurorack 07/22/24
Shared System X Eurorack 07/22/24
Starter Kit Eurorack 05/06/24
Intellijel 7U 104HP Performance Rack - (Blade Runner) Eurorack 09/19/24
4ms Pod64X control rack Eurorack 12/29/23
Intellijel 62HP Palette - For Looping Eurorack 12/29/23
Intellijel 7U 104HP Performance Rack - Intro to Computer Music Eurorack 03/06/24
My sliest Eurorack Eurorack 01/18/24
Intellijel 62HP Palette - NYC Trip (planned) Eurorack 04/27/23
Intellijel 7U 104HP Performance Rack - May 2023 CMSS CS Meetup Eurorack 07/28/23
Intellijel 7U 104HP Performance Rack - March 2023 CMSS CS Meetup Eurorack 03/29/24
Performance Skiff Tetrapad/Rangoon/Typhoon Eurorack 02/25/23
Intellijel 7U 104HP Performance Rack - Jamuary 2023 Eurorack 05/12/23
Intellijel 7U 104HP Performance Rack - November 2022 Eurorack 08/11/23
Intellijel 62HP Palette - Rample Eurorack 09/28/22
Intellijel 62HP Palette - Starter System Eurorack 12/29/23
Intellijel 7U 104HP Performance Rack - Performance Mixer Eurorack 09/11/22
Intellijel 7U 104HP Performance Rack - Sequentia Entitatem Eurorack 08/18/22
Intellijel 7U 104HP Performance Rack - E370 Eurorack 07/06/22
Mantis Rack 20220701 Eurorack 07/25/22
Performance Skiff Maestro and QARV Eurorack 10/09/22
Intellijel 62HP Palette - Ambient Eurorack 03/06/24
Monotrail Small System Eurorack 05/06/24
Intellijel 7U 104HP Performance Rack - Poly Cinematic Ensemble Eurorack 05/27/22
4ms Pod64X Arbhar/Lubadh Eurorack 12/01/23
Rackbrute Drum Machine Eurorack 11/20/22
Intellijel 62HP Palette - Arbhar Eurorack 03/06/24
Intellijel 7U 104HP Performance Rack - Frequary 2022 (rev. 3) Eurorack 05/27/22
Rackbrute (February 2022) Eurorack 08/20/23
Intellijel 7U 104HP Performance Rack - Frequary 2022 (rev. 2) Eurorack 05/27/22
4ms Pod64X (November 2023) Ambient Eurorack 12/01/23
4ms Pod64X (February 2022) Eurorack 05/01/23
Intellijel 7U 104HP Performance Rack - Frequary 2022 Eurorack 05/27/22
My Pod64X 3 module challenge system 202201 Eurorack 01/28/22
3 Module Challenge Minimalist Rack Eurorack 01/28/22
Instruo and Befaco fixed rack by Omri Cohen Eurorack 12/06/23
Intellijel 7U 104HP Performance Rack - Jamuary 2022 Eurorack 05/27/22
Intellijel 7U 104HP Performance Rack Black Sequencer Eurorack 01/10/23
Intellijel 7U 104HP Performance Rack - Quadrophonic Eurorack 09/01/24
4ms Pod64X BeeHive Eurorack 08/11/22
4ms Pod64X BIA v3 Eurorack 12/01/21
Rangoon into Typhoon Eurorack 12/18/22
Performance Skiff (Black Sequencer) Rings/Clouds Eurorack 01/28/22
4ms Pod64X BIA Voltage Block Eurorack 03/06/24
4ms Pod64X BIA Eurorack 12/01/21
Performance Skiff (Black Sequencer) (copy) Eurorack 01/12/23
Drum-focused Modular + (copy) Eurorack 12/01/21
4ms Pod64X Eurorack 12/29/23
My Minimal Ambient Eurorack Eurorack 12/01/21
Performance Skiff (Black Sequencer) Eurorack 12/01/21
Mutable Instruments Modular Freq Ambient Rack II Eurorack 02/28/24
My Menu Diving Eurorack Eurorack 08/14/21
Smaller Performance Skiff Eurorack 01/15/23
Contextual FX Processor Eurorack 03/24/24
Drum-focused Modular + Eurorack 09/26/22
Performance Skiff Eurorack 10/23/23
My Minimal Eurorack Eurorack 12/14/22
2nd Rackbrute Plan Eurorack 07/19/23
1st Actual Rackbrute Eurorack 02/22/25
1st Rackbrute Plan Eurorack 05/21/21