Power Consumption: 10760 mA +12V
| 4807 mA -12V | 114 mA 5V
Depth: 60 mm |
Price: $33,946 |
Number of Modules: 359
| Data Sheet
Achtung This Rack contains modules with incomplete power consumption specs: Grid, SCLPL 1U, Bard 2, Taiko, A-121s, Permutation, Jumble Henge, Juniper, Pizza, Librae, Echoz, BD, Vector Wave, Dual LFO, WMD Mutes, Manual Gates, CM-blind, SSG, MLB, HH8, SplitMerge, Wormhole, Blank, Delta-V, GR1, Ephemere, WaveF, OCP X, Blackbox, Ornament, Hyrlo, Golden Master - DPW Limiter, Alps, A-135-2+3, Nutone, Z-DSP, FXAid Pro, ModSeq, Frigg, Stolperbeats-Constellation, Tap LFO, uPeaks, Teleport, Ashiko, Squid, Vortex, Black Delay, Matrix-Benjolin