Power Consumption: 9020 mA +12V
| 3816 mA -12V | 210 mA 5V
Depth: 66 mm |
Price: $29,331 |
Number of Modules: 229
| Data Sheet
Achtung This Rack contains modules with incomplete power consumption specs: BMC54 Stereo Outs, BMC058 Yes No Maybe, 8x Decay, BMC17 2LFOSH (1U 3D-printed panel), BMC078 Infrared Input, BMC34 Switched Resistor VCF, Bongo Fury, BMC015 VCA Mixer, DE-5 – SHAKTI, Buffered Mult, BMC017 2LFOSH, BMC084 2xV2R 2 channel voltage to rhythm converter, DIY Pedal Interface, BMC32, BMC016 Dual Nice Quantizer (Clarke68 panel), Eurobuffer BMC037, BMC033 4046 Shaper, DE-6 - Nødsignal, Lux, BMC019 Delaying AR Generator - synthCube, 1U PiLLs, SPLOG, Kompari, Sloth DK, Haraldswerk RFM, Poultry in Motion, Move, jepyang Mac Salad, Crushing Depths Offset Attenuverter, Buffered Multiple, Enthusiastic Electrons Community Waltz, Enthusiastic Electrons Summer Slide Somersault , Enthusiastic Electrons Simple Slew (Lag), DE-9 BOX OF ANGELS