12 HP
25 mm deep
Current Draw
112 mA +12V
59 mA -12V
? mA 5V
$219 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Multi-purpose modulation and signal control center

Boundary is a multi-purpose modulation and signal control center. It consists of a cycling slew and a four quadrant multiplier (VCA). The cycling slew (which can be used as an envelope or LFO) has individual control over rise and fall, rate and shape, as well as dedicated inputs for trigger, slew (for gates or pitch CV), full wave rectification (for envelope following), and a unique BOUND input which allows for bouncing ball effects and additional modulation of the envelope. The four quadrant multiplier is an OTA design and is usable as a VCA or ring modulator with a soft limiter on the output to tame extreme signals or push into distortion.

  • LFO and modulation oscillator (from cycles measured in minutes to high audio rate)
  • Trig input can be used for attack-decay envelope
  • Slew input can be used with gate signals for attack-release envelope
  • Slew input can also be used as portamento for v/oct signals
  • Rectify input has a full wave rectifier to act as a high quality envelope follower
  • Bound input allows for unique bouncing ball effects and combined AM/FM modulation
  • Trig input can also be used for voltage controlled frequency division at clock or audio rate
  • EOR output can be used for gate/trigger delay
  • Four quadrant VCA allows for ring modulation
  • Soft limiter on the VCA output allows for taming or distortion of wild signals
  • All analog design


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submitted Sep 14th 2021, 12:05 by cplor | last Change Feb 22nd, 22:15 by schlappiengineering

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