4 HP
31 mm deep
Current Draw
35 mA +12V
10 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$140 Price in €

This Module is discontinued.

This 4HP'er let's you tap in a rhythm, creates a clock and T/G plus an on-the-fly programmable CV Sequence

As this is a brand new sequencer module that can be a Rhythm Sequencer, Tap-Tempo, CV recorder, Gate recorder, 1V/Oct Quantizer, clock generator, and Pad pressure sender all in one.
There are several intuitive / automatic Modes in this module that are based on how a sequence is started, and what is patched into the I/O jacks with only a primary settings menu (set & forget) to suit your setup.

The RIT_M has two variable touchpads, one to tap in a rhythm, and the other to define the loop point. Without a clock input, a clock output is derived based on this rhythm, loop size, and settable BPM range(i.e. 60 to 110BPM, 90-170BPM(default), or 110-210BPM). The resulting clock is panel adjustable from 1 PPQN to 96 PPQN to sync other sequencers etc. to the RIT_M
The "Magic" Clock jack is bi-directional so the RIT_M can be the source clock, or be clocked by an external source so your RIT_M sequences align with existing clocks.
Start Record, Loop point, & Stop are always synced to the nearest clock input pulse if exists.

LoopSnap Quantizing:
LoopSnap uses the PPQN setting to quantize the Loop size when used with a clock input. i.e. a PPQN setting of 8 will snap the loop to every 8th clock. This feature is great for faster clock rates where it's difficult to align the Loop point on an exact clock. A Loop can be any size but in steps of 8 clocks.
LoopSnap acts as an "arm for loop" if Loop pad tapped early, or round down for a slightly late tap.

Pre-defined Loop Size
The sequence size can be set by tapping twice on the Loop pad and adjusting the PPQN knob to the number of clocks in the loop. The Loop pad will flash pink indicating "ready to go".
This is very useful when playing in a sequence from a keyboard as there's no need to reach over and tap the Loop pad to terminate the sequence. More "notes" can be added while the sequence is playing be simply playing them in.

Beat Quantized... or Not:
Beat quantizing can be turned off to allow complex swing style rhythms that still follow the clock in/out but don't snap to "steps" as with most sequencers. If beat quantizing is turned on, a faster clock used with the clock divider/multiplier (PPQN) can give many micro divisions to a clock so rhythms can snap to beats. The choice is up to you!

Gate Output:
The trigger/Gate output is precisely the beat you entered by tapping the RHYTHM pad, or gate input recorded. The duration of each tap/gate will also be output so long "notes" can be achieved during recording a sequence by just holding the pad.

CV input Record:
The CV input offset with the CV knob is recorded along with Gates & velocity when initially creating a Rhythm Sequence, and plus can be inserted into a running sequence on existing Gates (beatSnap) or between them . The knob can be set to bi-polar or unipolar, while CVin is always bi-polar.

CV Output:
The CV output acts as a "CV-through" monitor (CV knob+CV Input) when in standby or recording a Rhythm Sequence. In Play mode it'll output the recorded CV's. Tapping the button will toggle between smoothCV (just as recorded) and CV SnapShot (CV output updates only at beats/gates) types of playback.

Smooth CV Record:
Smooth recording of a CV pattern can be realized even if there is no rhythm (gate), making the RIT_M a CV recorder. The CV pattern will proportionately speed up or slow down with varying clock rates input or selected. As a clock master, the RIT_M will output a derived clock rate based on BPM range and PPQN setting. Reset input or a tap on the Loop pad will re-start the pattern (@ a clock if there is a clock input)
Smooth CV can be up to 2 minutes long after which it will switch to CV SnapShot mode.

CV Input Quantizing:
If the CV quantizing option is on, the incoming CV is quantized, then offset by the CV knob which is not quantized. This is great for offsetting to pesky VCO variations. There is also an option to reduce the CV knob from 5V (+/- 5V in bipolar mode) to 1V (+/-1V in bipolar mode) for finer control.
If there is no plug in the CV input, then the CV knob itself becomes a quantized control (only when quantizing option is on) which is great for "dialing" in a melody. This can be momentarily defeated by plugging in a dummy plug or an offset voltage, so it's the best of both worlds!

Gate Recording:
An external gate/trigger can also be recorded. This means a CV keyboard or sequencer can be recorded. When recording as a smoothCV, portamento or glissando from a keyboard can also be recorded into the loop.
The Reset jack becomes a Gate input which, when armed to record, will start the recording. If a clock input is present, the starting Gate will snap to the clock so the sequence is always in sync.
Simply tap the Loop pad to arm and play away!

Trigger Option:
For all of you trigger-meisters out there the Gate output can be switched over to a trigger output instead.
Recorded triggers (above) will of course be sequenced as triggers in either setting.

There is a velocity output that is based on the strength of the rhythm tapped in. The finger pressure on a multiple element sensor and proximity ramp is taken into consideration to calculate the velocity of any tap.
Pad Pressure is also constantly recorded (@125Hz) which is great for tactile control of say a filter or VCA levels on long notes while holding the pad.

Rhythm Editing:
Beats can be edited, added, or removed form a playing sequence. Move the CV knob to hear a preview of the CV that will be applied, then tap on existing beats to change them to the new CV. Tap between existing beats to add more beats to the Rhythm. This is great for evolving a running sequence.
To delete beats, leave the CV knob untouched for a full loop(LED will go off) then tap on the beats to be deleted.

Reset Input:
A playing sequence/CV recording can be restarted for alignment using the reset jack. The reset jack will output a pulse on each loop cycle until a pulse to reset the sequence is received, so it's bidirectional.
The Reset jack can be switched back to an output by simply unplugging and plugging back in to the jack.

Loop Pad Reset:
Tapping the Loop pad while a sequence is playing will restart the sequence. If there is a Clock input, the Reset will happen on the nearest clock. This can be useful for aligning to other sequence.
Holding the Loop pad will restart the sequence on every clock, giving a CV+Gate stutter effect!

Saving Sequences:
3 sequences can be saved to permanent memory for recall at next power-up.

Slaving / Multiple RIT_M Modules:
Each RIT_M has a Link I/O behind the panel so several RIT_M's can be connected together and work in tandem for multiple CV/Gate control. The Rhythm pads can then be played and will remain inside the same sequence, or can be separate but still using the same clock. As the RIT_M can output a clock or step from a clock input at different divisions, post patching from one to another makes the possibilities endless!

- Rhythm Loop size (CV SnapShot) is nearly unlimited. (Smooth CV up to 2 minutes)
- CV's in sequence can be changed on cue / tap
- Beats can be added/ removed with the knob & a tap on Rhythm pad
- Tapping Loop pad will reset a sequence / restart a paused sequence (at clock point if there's a clock input) for easy alignment.
- Tapping Loop pad after moving CV knob will restart the sequence at a graduated division in the loop
- Tapping Loop pad from a full stop will arm to start recording a sequence on a pulse on Reset (gate) input
- Doubles as a straight tap tempo clock, combined with gate out for swing, great for delays that are clocked
- Doubles as a CV quantizer (1V/Oct) with fine knob offset while not looping / recording
- CV knob can be quantized to Chromatic/Major/Minor7 with variable offset before recording
- Records the CV knob/CV input smoothly without tapping the Rhythm pad and can be re-triggered by Reset input
- Intelligently synced to clock input: Late starts are shifted to match clock if within the set milliseconds (up to 250mS)
- Can output Velocity CV based on Rhythm pad pressure
- Touching both pads momentarily will arm playing sequence to pause at next loop point
- Pausing a sequence also arms it for a "1-Shot" on pulse to Reset Input
- Touching both pads & holding for ~ 1 second will stop & erase the sequence at next loop point
- Holding the two pads for >2.5 seconds acts as an emergency stop at any time
- LED's indicate PPQN selection while changing
- PPQN adjustment slower than previous setting only updates at new clock point so never falls out of sync.
- Fancy/sparkly pad LED's indicate running condition by color (Loop, Record, Play, Rhythm etc)
- NEW: Sequential Master-Slave Linking to sync multiple units, clocks, loop points, from master. Several RIT_M's can now be used in tandem as a drum sequencer easily controlling several different percussion's, or individually as a multi-part VCO control to create complex melodies with different loop lengths all running from the same clock.

The whole idea of this module is to quickly add sequenced T/G/CV control of other modular elements, on-the-fly, without setup time or large HP, displays etc. I think it's a very useful tool and look forward to the release date!

RIT_M Home Page: http://www.freshnelly.com/ritm/ritm.htm

Follow us on Muff Wiggler https://www.muffwiggler.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=180088&start=75

The RIT_M is no longer available, but we are working on a new larger (8 HP) version featuring multiple pads and many configurations, stay tuned!


Ø 4.50 (8 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Apr 7th 2017, 21:49 by Sandrine | last Change May 9th 2022, 14:51 by Sandrine

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