2 HP
25 mm deep
Current Draw
25 mA +12V
0 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$50 Price in €

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is discontinued.

Touch-Controlled Gate/Trigger Source

The SetonixSynth TouchGates is a four-channel touch-controlled Eurorack module for producing gates and triggers. Each of its four outputs can be used to control a separate module or function which is responsive to analog gates or triggers, such as four separate drum modules, four separate envelopes, clocked devices, or some combination thereof.

In order to trigger a channel, a small resistance must be placed between the two parts of the corresponding exposed copper spiral. This is most easily accomplished using the electrical properties of touch.

As long as a small current is allowed to flow between the two parts of a touch point, the corresponding output will produce an output of approximately +5V, while an untouched spiral will produce an output of approximately 0V until it is touched again. Each channel of the TouchGates has some filtering to prevent “noisy” gates and re-triggering, but overall the output is dependent on continuous touch. As such, you can “tap” a touchpoint to produce a trigger or clock, or hold it to produce a continuous gate.

Width: 2hp
Depth: 25mm
Peak current draw: 25mA @ +12V, 0mA @ -12V
Output Impedance: 1kΩ


submitted Dec 20th 2022, 23:35 by breadman | last Change Sep 14th 2023, 01:04 by breadman

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