6 HP
29 mm deep
Current Draw
65 mA +12V
80 mA -12V
? mA 5V
$276 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Dual Dagger (Duplicate)

Dual stereo filter

This module is a double sided weapon, sharpened to cut low and high frequencies. The Dual Dagger chops stereo spectrums with familiar and appropriate controls for the low pass and the high pass filter section. The Band Pass function turns the dual filter into a band pass filter, with control over frequency, bandwidth and independent resonance for each slope! The module is carefully calibrated to share the exact same parameters on both audio channels but thanks to the pan function, it is easy to unlink the cutoff frequencies of each side, which leads to a whole new territory of stereo treatments!


• Quad filter allowing independent high pass and low pass filtering on stereo signals
• Fully analog 24dB filters with resonance compensation
• Precise trimming of each sides for accurate stereo filtering
• Control of the resonance of each filter section
• Cv input for each filter section
• Link / Bandpass function turning the module into a stereo bandwidth controlable bandpass filter
• CVable pan function for each filter section


submitted Apr 25th 2022, 09:36 by venusgenitor | last Change Apr 26th 2022, 16:10 by venusgenitor
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SynthcubeDetroit ModularPerfect Circuit


Nightlife ElectronicsMoog Audio


Found Sound

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?