10 HP
39 mm deep
Current Draw
25 mA +12V
0 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$265 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Stereo Reverb Module

An extremely versatile, 10HP Stereo Reverb Module.

Maelstrom has two mono or one stereo input, with global Amount and separate Decay, Mix and Feedback controls.

What sets Maelstrom apart is that each of these settings contains a CV input for ultimate control from CV generators.

Capable of creating a high quality, moving stereo image with timbres ranging from springy and bubbly to dark and thick. You can either be swimming in reverb or have tight control that is akin to a plate reverb.

Perfect for setting up as a send on your mixer or as the final stage before your output.


submitted Jan 24th 2019, 00:16 by sognage | last Change Feb 1st 2019, 06:47 by sognage

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