84 HP
Current Draw
250 mA +12V
250 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$980 Price in €

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MODULÖR114 (Black Edition)

Analog Modular Synthesizer

The Modulor114 by Soundmachines is there all in one modular synthesizer with traditional monosynth normalling. The Modulor114 is an 84HP eurorack panel in a custom case that can be powered by USB or a power adaptor, or a eurorack power cable. This is a great way to get started in modular synthesizers and eurorack as you get everything you need at once and it is compatible with eurorack standards if you already have modules or want to add some in the future. You can do a lot of patching with the Modulor114 as it has 114 jacks on it and comes with patch cables. There is a usb midi interface for controlling it with a keyboard or sequencer and there is also a built in ribbon controller. Normal 2 oscillator monosynth sounds are possible as well as any other patch you can imagine.

The built in modules are a midi to cv with a square wave out, an oscillator with PWM, sync and sub oscillator as well as noise. There is a second oscillator that can be an LFO or VCO that is more simple with just saw and triangle outputs. There is a quantizer that can be used with the ribbon controller or other inputs and that has selectable scales. there is a 3 channel mixer with channel level knobs, as well as 2 other unity gain mixers spread through the unit. The VCF has lowpass and bandpass outputs and can self oscillate with enough resonance. There is a VCA and an ADSR envelope generator with looping as well as a simple square and triangle LFO. There are some useful utilities like slew, attenuators, multiples and sample and hold.

The right section has a 24-bit DSP based effects unit that can be tempo synched with delays, choruses and reverbs. There are also some digital modules for clock division and digital logic, which are handy for clocking and making rhythmic patterns. The Modular114 has a built in headphone amp as well.

The MODULOR114 is enclosed in a robust metal case and could also be detached and seated in your 84hp eurorack case. MODULOR114 is compatible with any Doepfer(tm) style eurorack power supply.

What’s included:
MODULOR114 modular analog synthesizer
QuickStart Manual
USB cable
Patch cables

Three-way power supply: USB, 12Vdc, eurorack ribbon.
1 USB/MIDI (Device AND Host) to CV with MOD output, Clock and 4 CC# integration
2 VCOs (one simplified, one full optional!)
1 noise generator (white-pink)
1 LP/BP resonant 12dB/oct VCF
1 VCA with saturation
1 four stage ENV generator with looping option
1 output amp with headphone driving capability
1 ribbon controller with GATE and CV generation
2 manual cv generator
1 scale and chromatic quantizer ('Q IN' on MIDI/CV part, 'MOD/Q' shared with CC#2)
1 S&H
3 mixers
3 attenuators
2 Multiples
1 slew
2 AddSub (saturating adder/subtractor)
1 clock divider (IN, Reset, /2, /4, /8, /16)
4 logic gates (NOT, NAND, AND, OR)
2 buttons / manual triggers / function buttons
1 fx unit (w/ LED: 4x Delays, 4x Mods, 8x Reverb)

Notes on Powering:
Power via Type B USB device port socket on front panel: 300mA @ +5V
Power via 12VDC Adapter: 1A 5.5/2.2mm barrel Jack
Power via Eurorack Case: 250ma +12V excluding the USB HOST power consumption!

• USB MIDI to CV: device and host MIDI UDB interface with pitch, clk, modwheel and 4CV
• VCO1: saw core VCO with simultaneous wavefrom outputs, sync, pwm and sub-­-oscillator
• VCO2/LFO1: saw core VCO with saw and triangle out. Doubles as VCLFO
• QUANTIZER: 4 octave output chromatic and scale quantizer
• ADDSUB x 2: adder/subtractor with saturation devices
• MIXERS x 3: pot levels and fixed cv and audio mixers
• ATTENUATORS x 3: standard attenuators
• GENERATORS x 2: manual CV sources
• VCF: 12dB/oct resonant lowpass and bandpass
• VCA: linear VCA
• LFO2: triangle and square output LFO
• ENVELOPE: ADSR envelope generator with gated loop and two time constants
• RIBBON: 10cm ribbon controller with gate/cv out and cv hold
• S&H: sample and hold with track input
• FX: 24bits high-­-quality digital effect with parameters cv control and tap-­-tempo
• CLKDIV: clock divider with 4 outputs and reset input
• LOGIC GATES: and, nand, not and xor
• SLEW: lag processor
• BUTTONS x 2: manual trigger/gate button
• MULTI x 2: passive multiples


submitted Jul 28th 2021, 13:40 by Johnny_Synths | last Change Jul 28th 2021, 13:57 by Johnny_Synths

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Found Sound

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?