12 HP
25 mm deep
Current Draw
26 mA +12V
19 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$167 Price in €

Module is available as a DIY project only.

This Module is currently available.

Analog VCO with integrated Frequency Divider

Cyllene is a 12 HP Classic Analog VCO with an integrated Frequency Divider.

Providing the classic wave forms Sine, Triangle and Pulse it is a very stable, accurate and marvellous sounding oscillator. Being a classic VCO you will have a 1V/OCT input, linear and exponential frequency modulation inputs as well as full control over the pulse width modulation option. Each of the last mentioned inputs has a dedicated attenuator in order to handle incoming control voltage.

Cyllene oscillates all the way from supersonic to subaudible. Thus this module may also be used as an LFO.

In addition to the classic VCO functions Cyllene also provides an integrated frequency divider. The SUB output jack will supply up to 3 sub octaves in relation to the original signal. The volume of each suboctave may be adjusted with the potentiometer visually connected to SUB 0-8. Using the switch SUB ORIG you can choose if the original signal or a generated square wave on the initial octave will be supplied. Additionally you can choose the source wave for the frequency divider with the SUB WAVE Switch.


● Classic Analog VCO
● Oscillation from supersonic to subaudible (LFO)
● 1V/Octave tracking
● Pulse Width Modulation with Attenunator
● Linear Frequency Modulation with Attenuator
● Exponential Frequency Modulation with Attenuator
● Integrated Frequency Divider
● Up to 3 Suboctaves
● Arttenuator for each Suboctave
● Wrong Polarity Protection
● 3U Eurorack module, 12 HP wide
● Power consumption: 26mA at +12 V and 19mA at -12 V

The module consists of two boards:

● Front PCB Panel
● Main PCB with all electronic components


submitted May 19th 2018, 19:03 by Stobbert | last Change May 18th 2019, 13:56 by HighStop