3 HP
25 mm deep
Current Draw
12 mA +12V
12 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$56 Price in €

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is currently available.

Dual Attenuverter and Offset

DA provides two channels of audio/CV processing with the help of two active attenuverters.

Unconnected inputs are normalized to an internal +5V constant voltage, which is very helpful to apply a specific voltage from -5V to +5V to another module´s CV input.

The output of the first channel is daisy-chained to the second, allowing the 2 channels being mixed together. The second channel may act as an offset for the first channel.

Use this module to attenuate or mix signals, add an offset or change a CV signal´s polarity.

• Dual Attenuverter
• Dual -5V to +5V Source
• Offset and Mixer
• LED CV Indication
• Wrong polarity protection


submitted Apr 13th 2019, 15:53 by Stobbert | last Change Nov 19th 2022, 01:13 by metrowave

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