This Module is a prototype or in a concept phase.
High Fidelity Multi-Mode Stereo VCA
Coming late 2018
Very high fidelity stereo VCA that can function in dual mono or stereo operation with dedicated single channel and stereo controls.
Functions for each VCA;
-dedicated bias/offset controls
-Accurate linear or exponential response switch
-True 2-quadrant and 4-quadrant multiplication (through-zero AM)
-CV depth and Pan
-CV multiplier for 1x or 2x CV multiplication
-Balance control fades the output between carrier and modulator
-RBG indication of Pan direction and CV depth.
Global pan curve with two pan laws - constant power output in center position.
Dedicated Stereo CV inputs for Pan and Amplitude modulation.
The UH was designed for intended use as a final output stage and interface with stereo modules and features a headroom of ~23Vpp.
Additionally, the UH is very versatile in producing a plethora of amplitude and pan modulation effects such as high fidelity ring modulation, multi-sideband and dimensional space effects to name a few.
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