8 HP
38 mm deep
Current Draw
20 mA +12V
10 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$225 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Euro Buchla CV, gate/trigger/pulse Translator

The CVGT1 converts CV and gate/trigger signals between banana-based synths (e.g. Buchla 200e, Buchla Easel) and Eurorack synthesizer modules.

Blue channel has a switchable precision gains to convert 1V/oct CV on the 3.5mm jack input to 1V/oct, 1.2V/oct or 2V/oct CV out via the blue banana socket. It includes a negative voltage indicator and an offset switch to shift negative voltages up by +5V.

Black channel has switchable buffered attenuators to convert 1V/oct, 1.2V/oct or 2V/oct CV on the black banana socket input to 1V/oct CV out via the 3.5mm jack. It includes an offset switch to shift a positive going signal to a bipolar signal.

Red channel converts eurorack 0-5V (3.3V threshold) gates and triggers on 3.5mm jacks to Buchla levels: gate to stepped pulse, 10V 4ms peak with 5V sustain and trigger to 10V 1ms pulse, both combined via the red banana socket output which is diode coupled.

Orange channel converts a Buchla stepped pulse on the orange banana socket to it’s gate and trigger elements via gate and trig 3.5mm socket outputs. Output levels are 0-10V, gate turns on when the pulse input is above 3.3V and trig when the pulse input is above 7.2V (simple level comparators).

A silver ground banana socket is provided to link eurorack and banana synth grounds.


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submitted Oct 15th 2012, 22:32 by synovatron | last Change Jun 13th 2021, 04:05 by renierra

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