14 HP
40 mm deep
Current Draw
32 mA +12V
12 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$249 Price in €

This Module is discontinued.

Dual wavetable LFO based on the E350 Morphing Terrarium

The E355 is a dual wavetable LFO that can create 10000 waveforms with the unique morphing technology as known from the Morphing Terrarium.

The two LFOs are not entirely independent as LFO1 is rather the master LFO and the other can have the same frequency, waveform and/or phase, depending on the setting.

All parametes are voltage controllable.

The E355 usess the same technology as the morphing terrarium and interploates between the 64 waves of one bank in 4096 steps. The module has a wave memory organized in three wavetable banks:

basic waves: sine, triangle, saw up, saw down, pulse waves with 25%, 50% and 75% duty cycle and noise.
waves from bank A but with frequency multiplication by x1...x8. This allows for extending the frequency range up to 1000Hz for using it as a limited audio oscillator.
64 unusual waves like arpeggios and sequences of notes, percussive sounds like pings and swoops, lattice phase modulation etc. used in audio rates those waves can be pretty harsh and noisy.
LFO1 is the master LFO that´s frequency, wave form and phase can be set separately. It influences only some parameters of the 2nd LFO, depending on the switch setting:

different rate but seme phase and waveform like LFO1
different waveform but same frequency and phase like LFO1
same rate and waveform but different phase, from 0-360°
The E355´s frequency range goes from 12 minutes per cycle up to 1000Hz, depending on the position of the range switch. Two LEDs display the LFOs´ levels in 128 steps of brightness.

The SYNC gate input resets the LFOs and the HOLD input freezes the outputs


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submitted Oct 13th 2012, 18:08 by ctrl-mod | last Change Apr 11th, 07:08 by MoltenReplica

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