4 HP
21 mm deep
Current Draw
42 mA +12V
42 mA -12V
0 mA 5V

This Module is currently available.

Cascading precision adder/mixer

'Add' from Tenderfoot Electronics is a 4HP cascading voltage adder/mixer.

Add allows you to bring together up to nine different signals into one output, without losing anything along the way (so it works great on 1V/oct CV)!

The cascading channels allow you to configure Add as:
*1 channel: 9 inputs into one output.
*2 channels: 3 inputs into one output, and 6 inputs into another output.
*3 channels: 3 separate 3-to-1 mixers.

Add handles DC just as well as it handles AC:
*Use it for audio (Add has no level controls, so control these with your upstream modules if needed to avoid clipping)
*Use it to mix CV signals to make more complex modulation sources.
*Use it to mix multiple 1V/Oct CV signals for more complex melodic sequences.

Add will be arriving in the first quarter of 2022, so keep an eye out for upcoming demo videos and release announcements!


submitted Jan 31st 2022, 10:27 by Tenderfoot | last Change Apr 12th 2022, 05:02 by Tenderfoot

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