18 HP
25 mm deep
Current Draw
150 mA +12V
140 mA -12V
? mA 5V
$332 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Dual multimode filter

.:: CUTS ::.

TLM Audio introduces the classic mutable series.

CUTS is a perfect 1:1 clone of the Mutable Instruments Blades module.
It is built, calibrated and tested with the highest quality standarts.

An essential overdrive circuit
A CV-controlled overdrive stage precedes each of the two filters.
Overdrive response continuously adjustable between soft-clipping and 2-stage wavefolding.
Two rich multimode filters
Clean 2-pole (12dB/octave) state-variable design.
CV-controlled filter response, continuously variable between low-pass, band-pass and high-pass.
CV inputs with attenuverters for cutoff and resonance.
Unattenuated frequency CV input, calibrated for 1V/Oct tracking.
Clean self-oscillation across the audio range, extending into very low frequencies, with constant amplitude.
Modulating the filter response is akin to modulating the phase of the self-oscillation tone.
Unique routing possibilities
Continuously variable (and CV-controlled) routing from single to parallel to series.
With a signal patched into filter 2's audio input, the routing knob and CV act as a crossfader.
Filter 2's cutoff can be set relatively to filter 1's cutoff.
Fully analog, based on the V2164 quad VCA chip.
Frequency knob range: 8Hz to 18kHz.
Audio input impedance: 30k.
DC-coupled audio inputs.
Filter mode CV input impedance: 50k.
Other CV inputs impedance: 100k.
All CV inputs handle audio-rate modulations.


submitted Apr 3rd 2023, 12:25 by TLM-Modular | last Change Jun 27th 2023, 20:13 by TLM-Modular

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